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Preparing for This Year, 2024, Prophecy!



We are headed in this universe for a change that will come quickly.  Because God needs a people that will support Him and do what needs to be done He is calling all of us to pray.  Understanding our place here and how our place works in Heaven is a mystery to all of us.


But the time is at hand that we surrender to God and do as He is calling us to do.  We are not to know what happens to us when we die, but we will step into a realm that is so magnificent, that it will be beyond our belief.


The Earth was made for the devil and his followers, not for us, and God has used the Earth as a training ground to prepare for what He needs in Heaven.  Our lives do not stop here, but they continue for eternity.  Time is not a factor in Heaven, because everyone will be on eternal time, which is forever.


The only thing people can see is what is happening here, but there is so much more.  We will be so blessed in Heaven, that none of us can comprehend what it will be like.


So now we need to prepare for this year and prepare for what is to come.  First of all, prayer is number one.  Getting a clear understanding of how to pray and knowing the Holy Spirit, is what conquers God’s enemy the devil.


The first step into God’s kingdom is asking Jesus in our hearts and forgiving each other. Secondly, we need the Baptism of the Holy Spirit to give us the power to fight off the devil.  And thirdly we need to be baptized in water to represent the old flesh dying and the new flesh taking over.


What will be happening in the years that follow will be a stepping stone into the future.  This is not the end times for God’s people it’s the beginning of the great things God has for us.


So don’t be concerned about what is happening around you, because this will all pass away, look forward to the future and know that God is in control.  We are God’s army here and the battle has begun, it’s great fighting a war, and knowing you are on the winning side.


So for the preparation for this year is getting right with God, pray for those who haven’t received Jesus in their hearts.  And love each other more than you ever have, because love conquers a multitude of sins.  This is not the end times for us who know God.

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Through Christ

 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.  Romans 8:37 (NKJV)

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