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How To Speak with God

Updated: Aug 13, 2022

In learning how to speak to God, we must learn this very important attribute that He has. God is spoken of throughout scripture as being omnipresent. God is an Infinite Spirit. He is all around us watching everyone at the same time throughout our lives. He knows what is going to happen before it does, as He embraces all of eternity, where there is no time in His realm of existence. Time only exists in our realm of existence, as He created us to have time.

God is not restricted by time or space, making it easy for Him to be with everyone at the same time, no matter when that is for us. God shows us this not only throughout scripture but within our own lives.

Psalms 139:7-10 (NKJV)

Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.

If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,

Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me.

God is so great He is our creator and wants all of us to be able to have a conversation with Him. Because He is omnipresent, He knows what each one of us needs before we ask. However, He has made it so we will come to Him for those needs, asking Him through prayer. He has made it easy for us to speak with Him in this way.

In the old testament, people would talk to Him, through priests and at altars of sacrifice. Because Jesus was sent to die on the cross for us, through His sacrifice, it has become much easier for us to speak with Him.

Jesus paved the way for each of us to be closer to God by being our mediator to God. Taking all the sin of all mankind upon Himself so that, In the name of Jesus, it gives us the authority to accomplish more through prayer. Jesus became the blood sacrifice for our sins and God sees us through Christ when we are saved. Do you have to be saved to talk to God? No, if this was the case then how would God hear those who want to come to Him?

Our God is very loving and He wants so desperately to hear us. The more you talk to Him the better He likes it. He inhabits the prayers and praises of His people.

God’s peace is so encompassing and through prayer, we do have that peace and God lets us know He is listening.

How God lets us know is through miracles, through situations, and asking for Him to protect our families and us every day. We know when that happens He is listening.

When my husband and I were first married every time we went someplace or he would leave for work I would say “God we come against all accidents and deer in our path, in Jesus' name. One day when my husband came home from work he said, “Honey you will never believe this, I was driving down the road and I saw a deer on the opposite side of the road I was traveling on. I slowed down and the deer would not cross the road until I went through. He was not hurt he ran away as soon as I passed.”

God always listens and takes care of His children. Does He always answer prayer the way we want? No, because He knows what we have to struggle with within our lives and He knows the future. Also, because of our own free will on which path we take and how that situation can bring us back to trusting in Him.

We are here on this earth to learn the ways of the Lord. Sometimes some people have to go through more than others but God is always with them. We are being prepared for a higher calling.

Just remember when you have a conversation with God He is listening, and the way He answers is always the right way. I have been blessed to live my life with God. Believe me, the best times I have had in this life are speaking with my wonderful God.

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Through Christ

 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.  Romans 8:37 (NKJV)

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