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Updated: Feb 7, 2021

Do you believe in the paranormal? Have you been seeking for help because you are experiencing turmoil and torment from an unseen Entity? Do you continually feel oppressed although you are a Christian? Do you believe that there is an evil lurking in the spiritual realm, however no minister has answered your questions? Finally, do you realize that as a Christian we are given the knowledge, the power, and the means to rid ourselves of these things? When you become saved you are then placed in THE ARMY OF GOD!

The intentions of this site and blog are to teach you about the unseen spiritual realm, the battle is the Lord’s always. We will not dabble into anything that is not uplifting to God our Conqueror, our Deliverer, and our protector. We will explain to you the unexplained from a Christian stance. Please understand that the ONLY way to help you help yourself, is through Christ and the word of God. There is no medium, witch, or any other power that can free you from this evil for it states in the word of God: “And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. Mark 3:25.

Those who try to help you that work with demonic powers or ways that are not of God cannot ever get rid you of these things permanently, they will linger around you until the next moment they see your guard down and will come back a lot stronger than the first time (Matthew 12:43-45). So, know that this is not who we are. We are Spiritual Warriors of God helping you to see who your true Savior is. There is no man or woman that can help you when they are playing with evil.

If you have heard the statement: "Curiosity Kills the Cat", what we need to stress to you is somewhat the same. DO NOT tread in the enemy’s territory without knowing who he is or what power he has. Everything we say within this blog and website is from God. He will protect you, however, there are specific instructions God has led us to within scripture to come to this knowledge and wisdom. So be cautious to seek professional knowledge before trying this on your own, by getting ahead of the teacher.

We realize if you are experiencing torment, that you want this to happen quickly. It does take a little more time sometimes, as we will need to pray and fast for different situations. God will set you free! Not man! We do nothing that anyone person who is a Christian cannot do, for God is with all those that serve Him! If you would like to speak to one of us about your situation, please feel free to contact us through this website, blog, or emails or If you want to read or listen to some of our sermons you can do that at

We pray that you are blessed by the teachings, on this site that they uplift you, and encourage you in knowing there are answers to your situation! There are trained people to help you in many ways, through God’s love and wisdom. We are here for you, please understand this.

Remember, all you truly need is God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit.

God’s got an ARMY, let us join as one in the Spirit of the Lord! If you are not a Christian or baptized in the Holy Spirit, please read this prayer to accept Jesus into Your life and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit:

Heavenly Father:

I know that I am a sinner who can only be saved by Your grace. I ask this day that you would forgive me for all my sins that I have committed in my life. That you God, will have Jesus come into my life. I accept Your fullness as the whole package, God the Father, Jesus Your Son, and Your Holy Spirit. I believe that Jesus died for my sins and that the Holy Spirit will be my peace and comforter, my understanding of who You are Father. I ask that You will cleanse me and make me into a new person, holy and just before You.

I accept you, Jesus, as my Savior, as the Lord of my life and receive Your gift of eternal life.  I want to walk in the fullness of the Holy Spirit and ask for the infilling of the Holy Spirit to renew my life and make me into a new creature.  I want to discover all that you are and follow the plan You have for my life.  I am looking forward to a personal and meaningful relationship with You Jesus, My Lord.  Thank You for your acceptance! 

I pray this prayer knowing that this is a new beginning for me and that I now stand before you cleansed of all unrighteousness. I promise that I will try to live the new life You have given to me with a humble, loving, and forgiving heart.

In the Name of Jesus,


If you became a Christian today by saying this prayer and believing it, please contact one of us to let us know. We will be happy to get you on the path to God's love and your NEW LIFE in Christ Jesus.

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Through Christ

 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.  Romans 8:37 (NKJV)

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